


Photo by M. Morris - Wild Pantry © 2012

Sautéed Cinnabar Chanterelle (Cantharellus cinnabarinus) and Cantharellus cibarius)


Ganoderma tsugae - yeongji, hangu, lingzhi, Songshan Ling-Zhi 


All wild harvested in Tennessee and/or North Carolina


(hemlock varnish shelf) (a Reishi mushroom, red reishi) - not edible. Traditionally used by Oriental medicine for medicinal uses to help remove or shrink cancerous tumors.


Dried whole or pieces:

1 oz. $5.00

2 oz. $10.00

4 oz. $20.00, plus shipping

8 oz. $40.00, plus shipping

16 oz. (500 grams) $80.00, plus shipping



Tincture available upon request. It takes two weeks  to make the tincture. Click here to request.

1 oz. $14.00

2 oz. $28.00

4 oz. $56.00

8 oz. $100.00

16 oz. $180.00 best buy per ounce



Poisonous mushrooms from the United States


We're looking for suppliers of fresh or dried sulfur shelf mushrooms, hen of the woods, oyster mushrooms, morels, black trumpets and chanterelles.


Sulfur Shelf


Photo by M. Morris - Wild Pantry © 2008
Hen of the Woods

Fresh July Chanterelles
Photo by M. Morris - Wild Pantry © 2008


Recommended books - click on title to order from Amazon.


The Complete Mushroom Hunter, Revised: Illustrated Guide to Foraging, Harvesting, and Enjoying Wild Mushrooms - Including new sections on growing your own incredible edibles and off-season collecting 


National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms (National Audubon Society Field Guides) 


Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America: A Field-to-kitchen Guide 


Foraging: The Complete Beginners Guide On Foraging Medicinal Herbs, Wild Edible Plants And Wild Mushrooms For A Self-Sufficient Living (Wilderness Survival, Foraging Guide, Wildcrafting) 



Please note that prices can change at any time as we update our site when time is available. Please email us if you have any questions regarding prices.


We reserve the right to refuse to supply any company or person for any reason.