I Gotcha Babe

Kiss My Grits Dear

Good-bye Jerk!


If you would like to advertise your product or service on this site or obtain a sponsored and/or text link, please email for information.

You must furnish your own text and/or graphics. We do not make banners nor provide graphics.

Ads will be approved by Boxed Revenge prior to adding to our site.

Sponsored links:

Text only ad

Your ad will be listed on site's main page. Hyperlink to your website is included. Limited to 6 lines of description. $200.00/year. Listed on one of the site's other category pages $175.00/year.

Text plus one photo ad

Your photo ad will be listed on site's main page. Hyperlink to your website is included. One photo allowed. Limited to 6 lines of description. $275.00/year. Listed on one of the site's other category pages $225.00/year. Photo must be in .jpeg or .gif format and no larger than no larger than 320 x 200 pixels.

Banner ads - Standard banner size is limited to the following:

234 x 60 Half banner - Listed on site's main page $200/year. Listed on one of the site's other category pages $175/year.

125 x 125 Square button - Listed on site's main page $150/year. Listed on one of the site's other category pages $100/year.

120 x 240 Vertical banner - Listed on site's main page $125/year. Listed on one of the site's other category pages $75/year.

120 x 90 Button - Listed on site's main page $100/year. Listed on one of the site's other category pages $75/year.

120 x 60 Button - Listed on site's main page $100/year. Listed on one of the site's other category pages $75/year.

88 x 31 Micro button - Listed on site's main page $75/year. Listed on one of the site's other category pages $50/year.

For other types of advertising email us for a quote.

Bearcat web design